Lois Wingerson

Back more than a decade ago, when I was employed in biomedical publishing, I had the mind-altering opportunity to work remotely. This allowed me to relocate from bustling Brooklyn to a charming village in Wyoming, surrounded by wilderness. This trans- formed my life and my outlook on it. I am supposed to be retired, but I'm still hard at work!

Among many other ventures, I wrote the text and amassed many of the images for the rebuild of the town's destination website,  I also maintained a blog about daily life in this remote Wyoming town. Lately I have started a nonprofit that brings top-rank classical music to this tiny rural town.

You can find me on LinkedIn. Although not very often.

  • Content manager of innovative search engine for doctors
  • Author of two books for the general public on the human genome project
  • Science writer for newspapers and magazines, including Discover, Newsday, and the Economist.